Welcome to Selectors Showcase
Welcome to Selectors ShowcaseWelcome to Selectors ShowcaseWelcome to Selectors ShowcaseSigned in as:
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Selectors Showcase is a platform that highlights vinyl! Strictly vinyl and that is final!
Every Saturday from 8pm GMT we host some of the greatest collectors and selectors in the world of vinyl. With reggae music being at its core, it showcases a wide range of genres, all on collectable vinyl.
We have had over 100 guests, who have entertained night after night, sometimes playing till dawn! All these shows are on youtube, and there are over a hundred shows to choose from, so take your pick. All these shows will be found on the realmuziklover youtube channel.
Please take your pick of all the great shows we have. Please give us feedback on the shows you enjoyed and which tunes you heard really liked.
We will keep you updated about live events that these dj’s are performing on.
We have a page on this site ‘Forthcoming Vinyl events with this information on.
We try to endeavour to regularly update this site. Sometimes there is a lapse, but don’t worry about that, check out the previous shows.
……..also, some of the tunes played are for sale. There are doubles or tunes people want to sell on our site, so check it out
Making a return, the Anthropologist, rides into town, with another instalment of toppa top tunes for your listening pleasure 💯👍🏾🔥catch him in full swing this Saturday
Love is in the air and records are on the decks!
catch Texas Ranger and Music Lover, both Lovers Rock cup winning champions alongside Rocksteady Marcus spinning classic lovers and some one a way tunes! A night of love songs in all aspects. Tune into hear the sweetest of reggae love songs and sweetest rock steady!
Preservation and Promotion of vinyl!
Vinyl enthusiasts running weekly events on line and in person! Check out Selectors Showcase on you tube!
subscribe to Real Muzik Lover on YouTube and selectorsshowcase on Facebook and Instagram